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“A little over three years ago I stepped into GHCC, hurting and exhausted. A short time into the sermon, Pastor Joe looked out into the congregation and said, "Pam, is that really you?" It was. Right then and there, we had a conversation for ten minutes. Who would ever do that, interrupt his message to welcome a face from the distant past? It was then I realized that I was "home" and healing began. It really is a family here. Everyone is so warm and encouraging. We are there for each other, to come alongside one another and to learn together. I am so grateful for this church family and Pastor Joe and Robyn.”
​— Pam A.
We have been attending GHCC for approx 20 years. In all that time Pastor Joe has always been a blessing to our family with spiritual advice and encouragement when we've needed it the most. We appreciate his in-depth knowledge of the Word and how he conveys that every Sunday. It's a blessing to call GHCC our home.
— Bruce & Lynn H.
After searching for a few years for a church that felt like home, I found GHCC!! The warm welcome I received was beyond anything I had ever experienced! The energy within the church is indescribable! This church has helped me grow my faith as well as work through the lingering and haunting memories of a unheard of horrific time of my life!!! I am forever grateful for this church, their missions and for all the friends that we have made. I am proud to call them Family!!!
​— Heidi
I experienced migraines my whole adult life. I just got used to having them. One night I had an especially bad one. I went to prayer meeting. pastor Joe prayed over me. I felt a warm sensation going through my body. I experienced peace and unexplainable joy. I am now five years migraine free! God, working through the pastor, brought me a miracle healing.
— Bev H.
January 2002, we found our home church. Pastor Joe loves the Lord and we are blessed because he does. Year after year we have heard the word of God. We know how to hear from God and walk with him. I call this our training years. Why.....when our lives changed from the opioid crisis, we had Gods words in our hearts, we have faith in God, knowing that he is for us and not against us.
— Keith & Paula W.
With my son being the Senior Pastor,I am in a unique position to share with you that not only am I proud he is my child ,I am proud he is, also my Spiritual mentor/advisor.I have equal love for him in both roles he has in my life.When he is teaching from the pulpit,or sharing conversation as father and son ,love rules. I cherish what God has put on his heart to equip the "body of Christ", to bring a deeper understanding of who we are through the blood of Jesus. My son has a way of teaching that causes us to understand the spiritual power we have in the name of Jesus.Through Him we can overcome all of life's trials,and cherish all of life's joys.Come and join us ,meet the GHCC family,share in the happiness of knowing we would be honored to have you as part of the GHCC family.
— Joe J. Sr.
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