Acts 4:33-34 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them.
A couple of years ago we were overwhelmed with the amount of needs in our lives that had to be met. So we wrote down every single thing we could think of and began to thank GOD at the completion of each one of them. A little over a year later, every single one of those needs were met (except one, which is now over half way completed)!! We recently found ourselves making new goals for our life, so we wrote them down! In less than two weeks after writing our new list, God answered our prayer by paying off one of our debts and selling one of our vehicles! I can easily and proudly say we have a greater understanding of the ways of God and our spiritual authority because of what we’ve learned here at GHCC! We love this family and are proud to be a part of them.
Taylor and Naomi , August 2019
I just wanted to say that sense this past Sunday with Kevin being there and combined with your powerful messages Pastor, that this week so far has been one of the best weeks for me spiritually in as long as I can remember. I’ve been praying way more often on my own (which is such a blessing for me as I have always struggled with my faith home alone), and even ended up giving up a lot of my distractions that have been plaguing me and keeping me drawing closer to God;
This week I’ve officially given up and renounced drugs, alcohol and my adulterous ways (my three biggest vices). I just simply can’t wait to to share with people what the Lord has been doing for me in my life! Every week I become a better person and a stronger Christian, and I can finally see for myself with out the need for any human validation that I am becoming a mighty man of God! Thank you so much for accepting into the family and I love you so much! Keep being you and sharing God’s great words or wisdom! If nothing else, no matter what anyone else says or thinks, I have been saved because of this church and of course because of the Divine Grace of God, and I’m forever grateful for this church and flock"
- Author chose to remain private, July 2019